○ Saxon Area River Bank Stabilization Project – construction as-built surveys using GPS
equipment; horizontal and vertical survey control was brought to the project site so
conventional methods could be used to gather as-built data, which was used to
generate plans, profiles and cross sections.
○ Saxon Area River Bank Stabilization: one year post-construction as-built surveys
using GPS equipment to collect cross section and profile data to compare with
previous year’s data.
○ Topographic survey of hydraulic control structures in the overbank areas of Reach 2
and 3 of the Nooksack River – used real-time GPS methods to accurately locate and
gather data on culverts, levees and bridges within the reach areas.
○ FEMA Elevation Certificate updates – selected as most experienced firm to use
conventional and Real Time GPS to obtain vertical as-built data for 27 certificates
previously left unfinished.