Land Surveying Professionals in Whatcom County, Washington

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Why Should You Choose Us

Utilizes latest technology

We utilize the latest technology to provide a Incorporating state of the art computers and software in our office production.

31 Solid Years in Service

Northwest Surveying & GPS, Inc. is a solid 31 year old local land surveying company committed to serving the people of Whatcom County.

2,100 Record of Surveys

2100 Record of Surveys and over 200 Short Plats recorded in Whatcom County

We have satisfied clients all over US


“Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Nam blandit velit vitae cursus rhoncus. Etiam ultrices nibh eu consequat convallis. Nunc lobortis turpis metus, at maximus augue tin.”


Sarah O'Jackson

St Louis, Missouri

“Phasellus cursus, orci ut maximus mattis, sem ligula vulputate justo, vel congue dui lm eget nunc. Mauris venenatis vulputate facilisis. Aenean congue sapien diam, sed bibendum nisl tincidunt vel. Integer eget faucibus nibh.”


Mark Twainer

Los Angeles, California

“Phasellus cursus, orci ut maximus mattis, sem ligula vulputate justo, vel congue dui lorem et nibh. Donec eros tortor, posuere at aliquet ut, commodo ut quam. Vivamus ultricies, leo vel auctor feugiat, nisl lacus porta orci, a euismod diam lorem eget nunc. Mauris venenatis vulputate facilisis. Aenean congue sapien diam, nisl tincidunt vel. Integer eget faucibus nibh.”


Anna Starer

San Antonio, Texas

Etiam ultrices nibh eu consequat convallis. Nunc lobortis turpis metus, at maximus augue tincidunt ultricies. Nulla ut mauris a libero egestas congue. Aliquam finibus efficitur purus sit amet condimentum. Donec sed consectetur augue. Sed tempor eu ante vitae imperdiet. Duis id molesti.”


Jack Rotterson

Boston, Massachusetts

Our company is dedicated to delivering the people of Whatcom County a quality product for a reasonable price.

Northwest Surveying & GPS, Inc. was founded by Denny DeMeyer in 1984. Denny is a lifelong (67 year) native of Whatcom County, graduating from Ferndale High School in 1967 and Everett Community College with an Associate Degree in Forest Technology in 1969. He passed the land surveyor’s exam and received his surveyor’s license in 1983. Denny is now retired and his son, Jeromy has purchased the company.

Northwest Surveying & GPS, Inc. is a solid 31 year old local land surveying company committed to serving the people of Whatcom County with over 2100 Record of Surveys and over 200 Short Plats recorded in Whatcom County

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